Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Long Island and the surrounding region are still reeling from the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy. Gas stations are running out of gas because people are panicking and filling up their tanks and getting extra gas for their generators, thousands and thousands of people are still without power, and many have suffered irreparable damage to their homes and vehicles. The situation in NYC, Staten Island, NJ, and parts of Connecticut is horrific. Homes, neighborhoods, and businesses have been destroyed. If there ever was a time when communities needed to come together and help one another out, it's now. Local communities, national community, and even the global community is the best resource we have to recover and rebuild.

If you are reading this from another part of the country that was untouched by the hurricane, or even from another country altogether, I urge you to make a donation to the Red Cross to aid relief efforts.

Donations can be made by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS, online at, or by texting REDCROSS to 90999 (donates $10). 

It doesn't feel right to me to blog about things that you can buy, when there are people out there who have lost everything waiting for help. I was one of the only people I know who didn't lose power as a result of the storm, and I'm suffering a bit of "survivor's guilt." Thank you in advance for any help you're able to give.

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